Find the perfect hospital for your treatment

Get reliable second opinions from our doctors with 15+ years of experience across specialties Doctor Consultation

OiOmycare Complete Care

Everything you need to go for your treatment

  • Hospital & doctor recommendations
  • Full medical assessment
  • Treatment options
  • Cost estimates
  • Reservations & appointments
  • Pre-book your rooms
More Treatment Options

How does it work?

OiOmycare gets you to the right treatment in four simple steps!

Medical Reports

1. Submit your request

Tell us what treatment you are looking for. Upload relevant reports for us to help you better

Medical Case Evaluate

2. Get Medical Guidance

Optionally ask for guidance from our team of specialist doctors in choosing your treatment and hospital

Choose Doctor

3. Choose Hospital

Select a hospital that suits you the best. Get your treatment plan, cost estimate and assessment from the hospital.

Second Opinion

4. Make Reservations

Finalize your treatment and make all necessary bookings before even stepping into the hospital.

Why OiOmycare

Why OiOMyCare

Backed by trusted doctors

Accredited Hospitals Only

Guaranteed Response
Typically Responds In 4Hrs

Faster Process
For OiOMyCare Patients

Dedicated Patient Manager
End to End support

Cost Savings
Highest quality care and results

Are you still confused?

Get an expert advice from our healthcare consultants on finding the next right hospital and treatment for you.

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